Feel free to subscribe to my Spotify playlist and listen to them to start your day off on the right foot. Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! -Psalm 100:2īelow you’ll see some of my favorite worship songs and I even picked Eric’s brain to get some of our favorites we listen to in his car a lot too. I actually listened to a podcast from Matt Chandler at The Village Church about worship I really enjoyed and thought it was worth a listen if you want some more perspective on worship and the role it plays in our relationship with God.

I can always feel the moment that I turn on my favorite worship songs that my attitude, my outlook and everything about my focus shifts. I like these thought processes because they put the focus on the positive and remind us of the many countless blessings we often forget to take note of. Instead of saying I have to go to the store, it’s I get to go to the store because I have the resources to put food on our table that many others don’t. So for instance, I have to change this dirty diaper, becomes I get to change this dirty diaper and talk with my baby. One of the little mantras I’ve said for years is, “If this is the worst thing that happens to me today, I’m doing alright!” I’ve also heard others say things like, turn your “I have to’s” into “I get to’s”. It can also be hard to get in your morning devotional sometimes in the midst of early-rising babies, job demands, and the general chaos of life, AND that’s when my best worship songs playlist comes in clutch! I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, listening to worship music and a positive mindset making “bad days” into good days. When your morning starts out with a diaper blow out, your toddler having a meltdown, no time to put on makeup and your hair loaded with more pounds of dry shampoo than you’d care to admit, it can be hard to start off your day on a happy foot.

Click here to go directly to my worship playlist on Spotify!